Industry Partners

Partner with Us for Success in Seattle!

Professional breakdown of the 649 participants from Cytokines 2019 in Vienna, Austria

Academic/Government Attendees
Industry Representatives (Scientists & Business)
Students/Residents in Training
Press/Accompanying Person/Other

Please contact the exhibition & sponsorship manager for further details:
Gaëlle Vacca
Exhibition & Sponsorship Manager
MCI Suisse SA
Tel: +41 22 33 99 667

We are currently customizing the Sponsorship Opportunities to best fit the Virtual Meeting. Some potential sponsor benefits which may be incorporated into the Virtual Meeting are as follows:

  • Sponsor names and logos on the conference website, schedule, before recorded videos, and on video live stream information page and between sessions,
  • Sponsors can provide short promo videos to be displayed during breaks and right before the start of sessions,
  • Sponsor chat rooms, with the ability for sponsors to be notified when attendees enter the room,
  • Sponsor logos on the conference website, with links to dedicated sponsor pages including promotional materials, videos or presentations,
  • Complementary registration(s) to attend the Virtual Meeting,

We look forward to working with our industry partners long term for the health benefits of research on cytokine signaling and function in diverse areas of biology, such as in immune-oncology, host-microbiota interactions, innate immunity, host defense, immune regulation of metabolism, primary immunodeficiencies and epigenetic regulation of cytokine expression – and how all of these translate into emerging therapies.

Other benefits of Industry Sponsorship of the Cytokines 2020 Virtual Meeting

  • contributing back to the academic community,
  • maintaining contact with researchers in the field,
  • advertising products and services,
  • supporting young researchers, and
  • meeting potential candidates for hiring.


The ICIS Annual Meetings typically attract 650-750 registrants and have a distinguished history of presenting cutting edge research from internationally recognized scientists. The Cytokines 2020 Virtual Meeting will explore the application of molecular and systems biology approaches to understand the mechanisms of cytokine functions in the broad areas of signal transduction, gene expression, and systems responses in the context of health and disease. In recent years, research presented at this meeting has had practical application to a wide range of clinical areas: cancer, infectious disease, inflammation, autoimmune disease, metabolism, microbiome health, and development.

Sessions will include cutting edge and basic and clinical presentations, Keynote Lectures from four world leaders in cytokine and interferon research, with 2 timely poster sessions, and a total of 55 presentations by invited speakers as well as oral abstract presentations. Attendees from all career stages will participate in 4 ground-breaking Plenary and 14 highly relevant scientific sessions.

Meeting topics include:

  • cytokine regulation
  • systems biology
  • structure-function
  • innate immunity
  • cytokines in allergy and inflammation
  • immune regulation
  • cytokines in skin inflammatory diseases
  • mucosal immunity
  • autoinflammation and autoimmunity
  • anti-cytokine therapy
  • cytokines in HIV cure
  • T cell differentiation and function
  • cytokines in cancer development and antitumor immune therapy
  • cytokines in microbiome interactions and interferon actions


Participants attending will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn the most recent developments in cytokine and interferon research
  • Network across disciplines with research leaders in other fields related to cytokine biology
  • Interact with the most prominent experts in cytokines and interferons
  • Form new international collaborations with colleagues either with similar interests or those from fields that complement each other

The organizing committee is composed of the following leading investigators from academia and industry:

Local Organizing Committee

  • Michael Gale, Jr., Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, USA, meeting chair
  • Ram Savan, Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, USA, meeting co-chair
  • Sarah Gaffen, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Naeha Subramanian, Ph.D., Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA
  • Steve Ziegler, Ph.D., Benaroya Research Institute, Seattle, USA
  • Yueh-Ming Loo, Ph.D., AstraZeneca, Inc., Gaithersburg, USA
  • Renee Ireton, Ph.D., University of Washington, Seattle, USA

International Advisory Committee

  • Simon Jones, Ph.D., Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK
  • Eleanor Fish, Ph.D., FAAS, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
  • Kate Fitzgerald, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester, USA
  • Georg Schett, M.D., Friedrich-Alexander-University, Erlangen, Germany
  • Akinori Takaoka, M.D., Ph.D., Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
  • You-Me Kim, Ph.D., Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, South Korea

The Organizing and International Advisory Committee is planning an outstanding scientific program. We have confirmed the following globally recognized scientists to give keynote presentations:

  • Dr. Judi Allen, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK
  • Dr. Michael Diamond, Washington University, St. Louis, USA
  • Dr. Lalita Ramakrishnan, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
  • Dr. Ellen Rothenberg- Caltech, Pasadena, USA

The last 25 years have seen remarkable progress in the use of cytokines as therapies as well as the development of drugs that have targeted cytokines or their signaling pathways which have transformed the management of chronic illnesses, impacting all aspects of medicine and leading to new treatments in autoimmune diseases, cancer, infectious diseases and inflammation. The ICIS meeting is the world’s most important annual conference on basic, clinical and translational research on cytokines and their roles in health and disease. The dissemination of knowledge that takes place at such meetings and the interactions and collaborations that are established are essential for future advances in biomedical research. Successful meetings simply would not be possible without substantial support from corporations, foundations, and institutes.

We believe Cytokines 2020 will be a fantastic meeting in a fabulous city and hope you will be able to participate to help make the meeting a huge success.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Michael Gale, Jr., PhD                                    Ram Savan, PhD

Department of Immunology, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA USA

At this time we also wish to thank the sponsors and exhibitors of Cytokines 2019 in Vienna, without whom the success of the Annual Meeting would not have be possible.

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